Client of the Month September 2019 – Kristen Lanctot

Client of the Month September 2019 - Kristen Lanctot

     I wanted to lose weight and was having a real hard time because of my work schedule at the DOC, and because of sleep. I also had to learn how to control my exercise anorexia when working out and eating. I have lost 10 lbs., and my resting heartrate after working out went from 120 beats per minute down to 70 beats per minute. My BMI went down to 28% from 30%. I am doing 29 sit-ups in a minute and 25 full-body pushups in a minute. My exercise anorexia is under control and I only weigh myself once a week.

      I love circuit training, and it has given me exercises I can do at home. Tyler has been great modifying my program to help with training for a 5k race, trial runs, 5 milers, Tough Mudders, or even to help me train for the Spartan.

      If you are on the fence about coming to IF, you should definitely join. It’s become a family and everyone wants to help each other. I have gotten advice from other patrons at IF and from John and Tyler.

Kristen Lanctot

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