The One Thing Stopping You From Getting Healthier

The One Thing Stopping You From Getting Healthier

Last week on the blog, I shared a glimpse into my own health and fitness journey. And I mentioned that throughout my decades in the fitness industry, I realized that there is really just one thing that can stop you from reaching your health and fitness goals: having a partner who is as committed to your health as you are.

I firmly believe that even at your worst – when you’re doubting your ability to get fit or dwelling on the cookies you ate at the office holiday party – you have more belief in yourself than you have doubt or fear. What you may not have, however, is someone who believes in you as much as you do.

You may have family and friends who are supportive of healthier choices. You may even have a workout buddy who will head to the gym and workout alongside you. But even the best accountability partners will never be as invested in your health as you are.

So what happens when you’re tired or discouraged and lacking the energy to make healthy choices? This is when your health journey stalls and when a bit of holiday weight turns into a year-long weight gain.

It’s when you make excuses to your workout buddies about how busy you are with work or family, and when you let your natural instinct to care for others – your spouse, your kids, your parents – outweigh your need to care for yourself.

If my experience with rehab and working to regain my own health taught me anything, it’s that we all need help. We can’t do anything alone – especially not hard things like improving our health and our fitness. It didn’t matter that I had years of fitness and nutrition training experience – I still struggled with my health and I still needed help from trained professionals.

This is why I love working with clients one-on-one.

I love giving someone else the experience I know having a committed health partner can provide.

I love being an integral part of their health journey and being there to pick them up and believe in them when they’re struggling to believe in themselves.

Beyond that, I want to make health simple.

Because let’s face it: there is so much conflicting information out there. Eat plenty of protein, but not too much meat. Eat lots of vegetables, but not nightshades. Eat whole grains, but avoid gluten. Eat healthy fats, but not too much fat. It’s enough to drive a person crazy (or at least drive them back to their favorite comfort foods).

Here’s the good news: once you have a committed partner to help you along your health journey, there’s only one thing you need to do to get healthier.

Stay tuned to next week’s blog post to learn more about that one thing.

If you’re ready to have a partner who is as committed to your health and fitness as you are, you can get started with Individual Fitness for just $99. Learn more about the IF Trial, which includes a free fitness test and 3 private training sessions, on our website.

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