Individual Fitness (IF) Running Tips

running tips

Running is a great way to get in shape, but it’s important to do it correctly to avoid injuries. There’s nothing worse than getting hurt and not knowing why. In this post, we will share some tips on how to run properly and stay injury free. 

Make sure you warm up and cool down

Warming up before starting your run

The first thing to keep in mind is that running is a high-impact activity, so it’s important to warm up before starting your run.

A good warm-up signals to your body that it will have to start working soon. By slowly raising your heart rate, the warm-up also helps minimize stress on your heart when you start your run. Start your runs with a brisk walk, followed by an easy jog for a few minutes.

Once you’re warmed up, it’s time to start running. Remember to maintain good form by keeping your head up and your shoulders back. Look straight ahead, not down at your feet. You should also land on your heel and roll through to your toes. Overstriding is a common cause of injuries, so be sure to take shorter strides. And finally, make sure you breathe regularly and deeply – don’t hold your breath while you’re running!

Cooling down after a run

When you finish a workout, it’s important to cool down properly. A cool-down allows your heart rate and blood pressure to fall gradually, so it’s important that you end your run with a slow 5-minute jog or walk. Cooling down also helps to prevent dizziness and lightheadedness. After your run, drink plenty of fluids and stretch your muscles. Avoid sitting or lying down for too long, as this can lead to cramping. By cooling down properly, you’ll help your body to recover more quickly and avoid injury.

Don’t worry about pace

When it comes to running, many people think that the only way to improve is to push themselves to the limit. However, this approach can often lead to overtraining and injuries. Instead, most runs should be done at an easy or “conversational” pace. This means that you should be able to breathe very easily and carry on a conversation. So, don’t worry about your pace per mile — if you can pass the “talk test”, you’re moving at the right speed. Starting out with this type of easy running will help prevent overtraining and overuse injuries. In addition, it will also help you to gradually build up your endurance and stamina.

Breathe in through your nose and mouth

When you’re running, it’s important to make sure that you’re getting enough oxygen to your muscles. Some runners assume that they should breathe in only through their nose, but we advise you to breathe in through your nose and mouth to make sure you’re getting enough oxygen. Taking deep belly breaths can also help prevent side aches, which are a common issue for newer runners. If you’re not used to running, your muscles may not be used to using oxygen as efficiently as they could be. That’s why it’s important to take deep breaths and get as much oxygen to your muscles as possible.

If you’re having trouble breathing deeply, try placing your hand on your stomach and focus on pushing your hand out as you breathe in. This will help you take deeper breaths and get more oxygen to your muscles.

Over time, your muscles will become more efficient at using oxygen, and you won’t have to worry about side aches as much. In the meantime, focus on taking deep breaths and getting enough oxygen to your muscles.

Try a run/walk approach

Most beginner runners start out using a run/walk technique because they don’t have the endurance or fitness to run for extended periods of time. Although it may seem counterintuitive to take walking breaks when your goal is to run, the run/walk method can actually help you build endurance and prevent injuries.

The run/walk method involves running for a short segment and then taking a walk break. By alternating between running and walking, you give your body a chance to recover while still making progress towards your goal. As you continue with a run/walk program, you’ll find that you’re able to run for longer periods of time before needing a walk break. And eventually, you’ll be able to run the entire distance without taking any walking breaks at all!

But even experienced runners can benefit from using a run/walk technique on occasion, especially if they’re training for a long-distance event or trying to increase their speed. So if you’re just starting out, don’t be discouraged if you can’t run for very long without taking a walk break. The key is to start slow and gradually build up your endurance and fitness level.


How often should I run when just getting started?

Most beginner runners should start by running three to four times per week. As you become more experienced, you can increase your mileage and frequency as desired. Just make sure not to increase your mileage or frequency too quickly, as this can lead to injuries.

What is the best time of day to run?

The best time of day to run is whenever you can fit it into your schedule! If you’re a morning person, try getting up early and going for a run before starting your day. If you prefer to run after work, that’s fine too. Just make sure to give yourself enough time to cool down and stretch afterward.

What should I eat before a run?

It’s important to eat a light meal or snack before you go for a run. Eating too much can lead to stomach cramps, while not eating enough can leave you feeling tired and sluggish. A banana or energy bar is a good option for a pre-run snack. Just make sure to eat it at least 30 minutes before you start running.

What should I drink during a run?

It’s important to stay hydrated when you’re running, especially if it’s hot outside. We recommend carrying a water bottle with you on runs longer than 30 minutes. If you’re going for a shorter run or it’s cold outside, you may not need to drink water during your run. But if you’re thirsty, feel free to take a few sips.

What should I eat after a run?

It’s important to replenish your body after a run, especially if you’ve been running for more than 30 minutes. A banana or energy bar is a good option for a post-run snack. You can also have a small meal within an hour of finishing your run. Just make sure to eat something that’s high in carbohydrates and low in fat, as this will help you recover from your run more quickly.

What are some common running injuries?

The most common running injuries are shin splints, knee pain, and Plantar Fasciitis. To help prevent these injuries, make sure to warm up before you start running and cool down when you’re finished. You should also wear proper shoes and be careful not to increase your mileage or frequency too quickly.

If you do experience pain while running, stop immediately and rest. Ice the area for 20 minutes, and then see a doctor if the pain persists.

How can I stick to my running schedule?

The best way to stick to your running schedule is to find a time that works for you and make it a part of your daily routine. If you’re a morning person, try getting up early and going for a run before starting your day. If you prefer to run after work, that’s fine too. Just make sure to give yourself enough time to cool down and stretch afterward.

You can also try joining a running group or signing up for a race to help motivate you to keep running. And remember, even if you miss a few days here and there, don’t be too hard on yourself. Just pick up where you left off and keep going!

What are some other benefits of running?

In addition to helping you lose weight, running also has a number of other health benefits. It can help reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. It can also improve your mental health and help you sleep better. So what are you waiting for? Start running today!

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