July Client of the Month – Mary Noce

Being a wife and mom to 3 kids, keeps me very busy.  Over the years, I let my health and fitness take a bit of a backseat to the needs of my family. 


In 2015, I trained for my first half marathon.  During training, I was plagued by IT band pain and thought I should probably do some strength training.  But I didn’t.


Then, in January of this year, I was out for a short, easy run and tore my plantar fascia.  This left me unable to run for several months.  I knew that now more than ever, it was time to put forth the effort to get stronger. 


I joined IF in March, and I’m so glad that I did.  Upon meeting Jim, I told him I wasn’t living what I thought was my potential.  I knew I could do better at making my health a priority.  Jim, Taylor, and the entire team at IF have helped me to do just that.  Now, 5 months after joining IF, I am stronger than I’ve ever been.  The nutritional counseling has completely changed the way I view food and how to best fuel my body. 


I’m proud of what I have been able to accomplish in these last 5 months, and I’m grateful for the help from everyone along the way.



                                                                   Mary Noce

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