Halloween health and fitness survival guide

halloween health and fitness survival guide

Halloween is one of the most fun holidays, but it can also be one of the most unhealthy. You don’t want your hard work during “the other 364 days” to go down the drain because you couldn’t resist a few pieces of candy!

It’s easy to overindulge in unhealthy foods during the holiday season, but there are plenty of ways you can keep your Halloween healthy and happy. These tips will help you stay away from temptation this year so that next year’s efforts don’t go down the drain!

Wait until Halloween to purchase your trick-or-treat sweets.

Don’t get caught with tons of candy. Avoid temptation by waiting till the day of to make your purchase for the trick-or-treaters. Don’t buy too much either to avoid being left with tons of candy after the big night. If you do find yourself with a lot leftover, bring it to the office, your hair salon, or some other place you can share it with others and avoid eating it yourself.

Buy candy you don’t like so you don’t eat it.

It’s natural to buy the candy you want to eat. But if you bought too much or too little candy for your guests, you’ll be confronted with a big bowl of temptation. If I buy candy that I know I won’t like, it becomes less of a temptation to eat.

If you want to treat yourself on Halloween, the secret is to eat just a little bit so that you are satisfied without being overindulgent. We recommend eating healthy 80% of the time and having some fun...IT’S OK!

Decide ahead of time what candy you’ll treat yourself to, then budget for it throughout the week. Saving 50 or 100 calories per day can lead to a delicious and satisfying Halloween night without the guilt. Set aside the candy that fits your budget and stick to it.

Be extra active during Halloween!

Turn trick-or-treat into a calorie-burning activity! Go for a jog, walk your dog, take a road trip with friends to go apple picking, or any other physical activity you can think of that will burn those extra calories you just ate.

Satisfy your craving for sweets with one of our Halloween Smoothie recipes.

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Smoothie

Butterfinger Smoothie

Snickers Smoothie


Eat before you go!

Going trick-or-treating or attending Halloween parties is very similar to going grocery shopping. It’s much easier to go overboard if you do it when you’re hungry. Have a salad or a light dinner before you go out so that you don’t feel tempted. That way, you’ll be far less likely to give in to temptation.

If you are attending a party, try to bring your own healthy dish or at least have some healthy snacks on hand so you won’t be tempted by all the junk food surrounding you.

Ditch the tricks

Forget trick-or-treating in favor of something healthier, like an apple picking tour or visit to a pumpkin patch. This way you won’t have to worry about all that extra candy!

Make a plan, Stan.

It’s important to make a plan before the madness starts and it’s time for Halloween. These healthy tips can help you enjoy the holiday without feeling guilty.

Maybe your goal is to stay away from the sweets, or maybe it’s to eat less of them. Either way, it’s important to make a plan beforehand so you are not left with tons of temptations when all the holiday parties start coming up!

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