Guilt Free Ice Cream

Guilt Free Ice Cream

Did you know that you can enjoy ice cream GUILT-FREE every single day this summer?

Did you know that all you need is a blender and few ingredients to create this SWEET reality!

Look – even though I’m a fitness professional, I love ice cream! Who doesn’t love ice cream on a hot summer day!?

Since ice cream is laden with fats and sugar, I save the real thing for special occasions.

That’s why I decided to share with you my top 2 favorite nutrient-packed homemade recipes you can make that will actually benefit you instead of grow your waistline.

Check them out! Grab them by dropping ‘I scream for ice cream’ in the comments below and I’ll shoot the recipes to you!!

Let me know which one is your favorite after trying them both!


Committed to your Fitness,


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