Why not eat better?

Why Not Eat Better?

Why not feed your body for the maximum fitness result?

You have your routine, you do your workouts, why not fuel your body to burn calories and have that extra energy for your workout and daily life?

Answer that with these three steps…


Find out what is good for you to eat, what you like and how to stock your fridge and pantry.  Think low fat, high fiber fresh foods.  Google recipes, ask your trainer, question your fit friends for easy meals that are not only tasty but a cinch to prepare.  Set aside a half day to carefully plan a menu, shop and get food ready for snacks and meals.


Set aside time to experiment and test foods that you may have never tried.  Experiment with lots of greens and  vegetables.  Try lean meats and fish and taste some
low fat options like yogurt, cheese and fruit.

Spend some time in the kitchen.  Get some storage containers to span the week and make meals and snacks that will easily take you from breakfast to dinner all
week long.  Once you find some delicious and tasty foods you will always have something to eat no matter what time of day.


Practice makes perfect.  You have a fitness routine born of dedication and support so do the same for your diet.  This is easier then it might seem.  The real test is to
be able to reach for something healthy and nutritious when hunger hits.  Try one of our smoothie recipes.  Have fruit or nuts on hand.  Supplement with fresh water
that will keep you hydrated and suppress your hunger.  Stock the fridge with lean meats and greens and pre-made meals that don’t give you the opportunity to skip
your routine.  Be sure you get support from your friends, family and trainer and watch your new food habits flourish.

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