Client of the Month April 2017 – Chris Flynn

I arrived at individual fitness’s doorstep at retirement age, having had knee surgery 10 months prior. After 2 1/2 months of physical therapy and a couple of series of Cortisone injections my surgeon said that’s all we can do for you now, you have to strengthen your legs and your knees or you could be looking at a replacement sooner than you want. 

So that is how my journey began.  I thought I was in better shape than I actually was, only to realize how much work I had to do.  I am grateful to the IF team and my trainer John who is always there to help guide, encourage, and motivate me to ‘just do’ that last one exercise. 
Through nutritional counseling, learning to look at the content of what I was eating, cardio exercise that they prescribe me, and weight training, I’ve surpassed my initial expectations and close to reaching my goals. Thank you John and all the wonderful staff at individual fitness.
Chris Flynn

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